Próximas Platicas Pre-bautismal (Spanish)
VIERNES 15-22de marzo del 2024
Horario: 7 pm
Donde: Gimnacio
Estamos pidiendo que asistan a las 2 clases, padres y padrinos antes del bautismo.
Para registrarse favor de pasar a la oficina Parroquial
Favor de no traer ninos a la clase
For classes in English call the parish office for more information.
1. Come in to parish office and fill out Infant Baptism Application; Please bring child's birth certificate. Also, When filling out application you will be asked to give a date that you would like the celebration to take place. Baptisms in Spanish are Scheduled on Saturdays at 12:00pm. As a reminder - Children 7 years and old and older are no longer treated as an infant baptism. Sacramental preparation classes are required. (The baptism will occur during that preparation).
2. Choose a Godparent that meets the requirements listed under "qualifications for godparents/sponsers".
3. Parents and Godparents need to attend 2 pre-baptismal classes. These are offered in English by appointment only and in Spanish the 2nd and 3rd Friday of the Month. Bulletin will have the specific dates and times. You need to register for the classes by calling or visiting the parish office. The classes is valid for 6 months.
To be qualified to serve as a godparent, a person must follow these Guidelines:
1.Fully initiated member of the Catholic Church. This means that they should have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. This person should be willing and able to help the child develop and grow in the Catholic faith. They should also be practicing and in good standing.
2.If married, they must be in a valid marriage recognized by the Church.
3.There must be at least one sponsor. In the case where there are two sponsors, one must be male and the other female. The maximum number of sponsors is two.
4.The minimum age for a fully initiated Catholic to be a sponsor is eighteen (16) years of age.
5. A baptized Christian, non-Catholic, may not be a sponsor, but may act as a Christian witness along with a Catholic sponsor.
6. Non-baptized persons may not officially act as a sponsor or a witness to a baptism of a child in the Catholic faith.
7.Parents of the child being baptized may not serve as a sponsor or Christian witness.
- Pasar a la oficina de la parroquia y llenar la solicitud de Bautismo infantil; favor de traer el certificado de nacimiento del niño/niña. Al llenar la solicitud, se le pedirá que indique la fecha en que desea que se celebre el bautizo. Los bautizos en Español son los Sábados a las 12:00pm. Como recordatorio: los niños de 7 años de edad y mayores ya no son tratados como un bautizo de bebes.
- Los padres y padrinos deben asistir a clases pre-bautismales.
- SER ACTIVO EN UNA PARROQUIA-Asistir a Misa los domingos y días de obligación. Viviendo los sacramentos.
- TENER POR LO MENOS 16 AÑOS-Que sea un catolico practicante de su fe
- ESTADO DE VIDA DE LOS PADRINOS-Si es soltero o soltera, necesita traer una copia del certificado de Confirmación. Si son pareja tienen que ser casados por la Iglesia catolica y traer la copia del certificado de matrimonio por la iglesia católica.
NOTA: Personas cristianas NO católicas no pueden ser padrinos ni madrinas porque no cumplen con los cuatro requisitos anteriores para poder guiar al hijo o hija en la fe católica.